01837 811866 [email protected]
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Golf Course Construction

Golf Course Constructions and renovations by M.J. Smith are completed to the highest standards. Our construction methods promote top quality products through a variety of processes and are completed to industry specifications.

The site where you choose to build your course is the greatest single factor affecting the cost of a golf course. Earthmoving is labor and equipment intensive and this where M.J. Smith excels over our competitors. Our policy of continual investment in man and machinery means we can undertake jobs at greatly reduced time scales and costs. Additionally, M.J. Smith’s ability for on-site material processing can both reduce costs and interruptions to existing income generating activities.

All golf courses at one time or another require improvements and renovations. A green or tee may require upgrading or a water feature added, expanded or removed. Whatever the work it is essential to first review the course in its entirety and examine the impact of proposed changes on the existing course. Course improvements require thorough planning and management and M.J. Smith have in place a dedicated and experienced team who can manage and oversee every aspect of the work to the highest and most current standards.

View our portfolio of work here.

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M.J. Smith build and renovate Golf Courses to the worlds leading standards.

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M.J. Smith have a continual investment in man and machinery which means they can undertake jobs at greatly reduced time scales and costs.

Get in touch today...

If you're looking to renovate your golf course or a clear construction, then we are more than happy to talk through any job and give you a site proposal.